About Us

ConstitutionThe TeamFisheriesHealth & SafetyConservation

Welcome to the homepage of the ABF – The Association of Barbel Fishers – where you will find information on Barbel, Barbel fishing and, for members-only, a forum focused but not entirely restricted to Barbel angling.

We at the ABF have formed our association with a clear view of what we wish to achieve in the future. We are a natural evolution in specialist groups and will be run democratically with elected officials and will continue to evolve as required.

The ABF is a none-profit organization that publishes its accounts annually at the AGM. It is not envisaged that we will accumulate excessive revenue, but should we find that we do have an excess over expenditure, funds will be allocated to selected causes/charities decided by the membership. These allocations would also be tied to the allocations of funding obtained from any charity events organized.

We aspire to being an association that values it’s members and becomes the place for friendships and shared experiences to develop; in essence, to bring enjoyment to our fishing.

Membership of the ABF will require a small donation in order to prove identity; these donations will be used to finance the ABF running costs. This is a single donation, there is no annual renewal fee, but voluntary donations are welcome.

The ABF currently provides: –

  • An Interactive forum
  • A number of ABF controlled fisheries
  • Venue and general fishing updates/notices, as and when they happen
  • Private members-only parts of the forum for each fishery
  • Regular donations to charities nominated by the membership

Given continued healthy support and a firm financial base, in the medium and long term we will strive to provide: –

  • Group ‘get-togethers’ and ‘fish-ins’ and other similar events
  • Support for Barbel welfare

One of the main aims of the Association of Barbel Fishers is that the membership contribute and have a say in the way it operates.

Enjoy Your Fishing
The Association of Barbel Fishers

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